
Transport in Iceland :


The bus company in the area is Strætó. In Mýrdalshreppur is used only one bus route 51 Reykjavík-Höfn, Höfn-Reykjavík (including Vík).

Timetables Strætó can be found on the page:


  • Weekdays (without Wednesdays) 16:00
  • Saturdays & Sundays 14:42


  • Weekdays (without Wednesdays) 16:15
  • Saturdays 14:12
  • Sundays 14:45

From Mars 2022, you can purchase in the app Strætó or from the bus driver. It's possible to use electronic tickets in the countryside and the capital. More information about buses:

Driving and safety

Using seatbelts is mandatory in Iceland, and using the phone while driving is prohibited except with hands-free equipment. Driving above the speed limit and under the influence of alcohol and drugs are considered serious offenses and are punished by high fines, suspension of driving licenses, and imprisonment for repeated offenses.

Regarding traveling with children, you can find Safety rules relating to child seats and children in cars on the Centre for Children's Accident Protection website:

Winter tires are recommended in winter but not mandatory if you have all years of tires.

Buying and selling cars

Salespeople are responsible for ensuring the transactions involving vehicles are performed in the proper manner and shall ensure the completion of all documents involving such transactions.

More information about car purchases, registration, and necessary documents can be found here:

It's best to check online pages like or check the car sales in Selfoss: if you have the plan to buy a car.

Important webpages for driving in Iceland, especially in the wintertime:


When traveling in Iceland, you should check the weather and road conditions, especially in the winter. On the webpage, you can find alerts and learn about good preparation for traveling in Iceland. There you can also submit your travel plan for safety.


The weather in Iceland changes very fast, and it is essential to check the weather forecast before you start your journey. On the website of the Icelandic Met Office, you can see the weather forecast, information about earthquakes, and the aurora forecast.

Road conditions

You can check the Icelandic road administration's website ( for information on the road system, road conditions, webcams, and a road viewer or check or For more information about road conditions, you can also contact 1777. We recommend that you make it a habit to check the road condition before you travel in the winter.

Motor vehicle checks – bifreiðaskoðun

It is mandatory to take all motor vehicles for regular checks with inspection bodies. The sticker on your number plate indicates what year the next checks are due, and the last figure of the registration number indicates the month in which checks should be carried out. If the last figure is 7, the car should be inspected in July.

Frumherji offers service in Vík twice a year (spring and autumn).

The nearest inspaction station Frumherji is located in Hvolsvöllur, at Hlíðarvegur 8, tel. 570 9211

Auto repair garages - verkstæði

In Mýrdalshreppur is one auto repair garages (verkstæði):

Framrás ehf.
Smiðjuvegur 17, 870 Vík
Tel: 487 1330

Car insurance – Bílatryggingar

It is compulsory to purchase liability and accident insurance for all vehicles from an insurance company. Liability insurance covers damage suffered by others due to a collision for which you are at fault. Accident insurance pays compensation to the driver of a vehicle if they are injured and to the owner if they are a passenger in their car. You are free to purchase other types of insurance, such as windscreen insurance and collision damage waiver insurance. Collision damage waiver insurance covers damage to your vehicle even if you are at fault.

Driving schools

Driving lessons for standard passenger vehicles may begin at the age of sixteen, but a driving license may only be awarded at the age of seventeen. The legal age for light mopeds is fifteen, and for tractors, sixteen.

To commence driving lessons, you must contact a certified driving instructor. The driving instructor guides you through your study's theoretical and practical parts and refers you to a driving school where the theoretical study takes place.

The nearest certified driving instructor is in Hvolsvöllur:

Ökukennsla Halldórs
Njálsgerði 1, Hvolsvöllur
Tel: 487 8024, 862 4553